Wednesday, February 20, 2008

St. John and Lobbyists: Money Quote

This is just too funny a quote from the New York Times piece that totally exposes the sanctimonious McCain for his incestuous relationship with lobbyists:

“Unless he gives you special treatment or takes legislative action against his own views, I don’t think his personal and social relationships matter,” said Charles Black, a friend and campaign adviser who has previously lobbied the senator for aviation, broadcasting and tobacco concerns.

(emphasis mine...but the NYT writers must have been chuckling in writing that line)

This after the article points out that both McCain's campaign and his Senate staff are run by lobbyists:

Like other presidential candidates, he has relied on lobbyists to run his campaigns. Since a cash crunch last summer, several of them — including his campaign manager, Rick Davis, who represented companies before Mr. McCain’s Senate panel — have been working without pay, a gift that could be worth tens of thousands of dollars.

In recent weeks, Mr. McCain has hired another lobbyist, Mark Buse, to run his Senate office. In his case, it was a round trip through the revolving door: Mr. Buse had directed Mr. McCain’s committee staff for seven years before leaving in 2001 to lobby for telecommunications companies.

1 comment:

Don Pedro said...

I've always wondered about this but never taken the time to look it up. Since the campaign donation limits cover cash, goods, and services, doesn't donated time count? So that the full-time services of a lobbyist over several months--valued at at least a few thousand per month--would bust the campaign finance limit of $2300 per person? Or is it volunteered time specifically exempted from the campaign finance limits?